Thinking bridge eddie kantar bio

  • He is one of the best known bridge writers in the world.
  • Edwin Kantar is a bridge player and writer with over 35 bridge books written since 1960; he is a regular contributor to the ACBL Bridge Bulletin.
  • As a transplanted Californian Eddie became a successful professional bridge player, a revered teacher, and one of the best-known bridge writers.
  • Eddie Kantar : 1932 – 2022

    By WBF In News, Tribute On 12th April 2022

    Tributes poured in from around the world following the death of the legendary player and writer just before the end of the World Bridge Team Championships.

    The many comments and stories about him make it clear he was totally devoted to bridge. On his honeymoon in Paris in the mid-60s’ he visited the Élysée Bridge Club, which at the time was one of favourite haunts of Canada’s Joey Silver.

    In his formative years he was a brilliant table-tennis player and I watched him play at one of the US Nationals (I think it was in Houston or San Diego) when he was still a wizard at the game. Barry Rigal told me he recalled one such occasion where Eddie played sitting on a chair whilst reading a book!

    He was a brilliant writer and teacher. You might still be able to find his acceptance speech when he was elected to the Hall of Fame on YouTube, but I prefer this short ACBL piece:

    ACBL Hall of Fame – Eddie Kantar – YouTube

    He advised bridge teachers: “You have to be humorous, you have to make them (the students) laugh. If you don’t make them laugh, you’ve lost them.” If you want to understand what he had in mind look at his contribution to this recording:

    #4 Eddie Kantar T

  • thinking bridge eddie kantar bio
  • All About Eddie Kantar

    Member of the Bridge Hall of Fame
    National & World Champion
    Teacher, Writer

    Eddie Kantar's bridge wisdom combined with his wit makes reading his popular books a learning experience (at any level) as well as a true pleasure.

    He is one of the best known bridge writers in the world. He has written some 25 bridge books, some available in CD-Rom form, and is also a regular contributor to the ACBL Bulletin, Bridge World, Bridge Today, and OKbridge.

    A two-time World Champion, Eddie is highly regarded as a player, and he competes regularly on the National level.  He is known as one of bridge's great ambassadors.

    Eddie learned to play bridge at 11 and by the time he was 17 he was teaching professionally — and still is!  He often took his bridge books to junior and senior high school, hiding them beneath his textbooks.  One of his instructors was so impressed with his "study" habits that he mentioned it in class, causing Eddie to sweat bullets fearing the teacher would come a little closer and see "Reese on Play" superimposed over the history book he was supposed to be studying.

    At the high school level many of the girls who had boyfriends in college found out that Eddie played bridge and begged him to teach them the game. He

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