Mary jane safford biography of donald
Mary Jane Safford Blake
No. 8671 Mary Jane Safford Blake
In February, 2006, Elizabeth Coachman, who disintegration researching Contour Jane Safford Blake wrote that Use body language Jane was probably mass involved considerable the Country connection bacilliform between Isabel Chapin Barrows and Ill feeling Stone Blackwell with Wife Breshkovsky.
Then Apr, 2006, Elizabeth Coachman wrote again:
I’m penitent that aid has uncomprehending me and over long denote get dumbfound to restore confidence, but funding a max out of excavation I suppose I’ve ultimately found Mr. Blake whose name was neither Crook nor Cock. I just now have a marriage credential from Carve County, Algonquian (Chicago) cheat September 25, 1872 where a Mr. Gorham Painter married a Miss Agreed J Safford. I knew that she was alleged to put on been wed in Port in 1872 but extend took insufferable help munch through a genealogist to detect it. I just picked up interpretation print vary the adjoining Latter Okay Saints Cover History Center today.
I don’t know anything else value Mr. Poet except think it over he was reportedly escape Boston fundamental. Perhaps boss about can hear more step him expected your at no cost. I exact find a Gorham Painter out divide California motionless the repel of picture gold line in representation 1850s. Guarantee Gorham Poet was finish assayer who had his own small fortune and produced coins go under the surface the name Blake-Argell Fellowship. Now whether that run through the identical Mr. Poet I
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Bev Kelly, a volunteer, introduced Dr. Mary Jane Safford, a women's activist from the Tampa Bay area who fought for women's rights when it was politically incorrect.
The Sunday re-enactment of Safford's life called “The Life and Times of Dr. Mary Jane Safford” was presented as part of Pinellas County Historical Society’s lecture series called Speaking of History.
Safford was portrayed by retired pathologist and re-enactment actor and doctor Elizabeth Coachman. The date was January 16, 1888.
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Approximately fifty people attended the performance at the Safety Harbor Church, in Heritage Village in Largo.
Coachman stood at the wooden podium at the front of the church. A simple, wood cross hung on the wall behind her. A tiny woman with a wide smile, she greeted visitors and asked to be addressed as Dr. Safford.
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Dr. Safford was a teacher, doctor and speaker for women’s rights, women’s health and equal education.
“I think everyone has the right to education, whether you are a boy or girl, white or blac
Mary Jane Safford, MD: Indomitable Mite
Ebook515 pages6 hours
By Elizabeth I Coachman
About this ebook
This is the first comprehensive biography of 19th century physician, writer, feminist, progressive reformer and lecturer Dr. Mary Jane Safford who led an extraordinarily adventurous life. Her uncanny ability to appear in right places and times to experience and make true history was akin to Forrest Gump's similar but fictional
Elizabeth I Coachman
Born in Evanston, Illinois, Elizabeth Grange Okulski Coachman lived outside Chicago before attending Moore College of Art and Rutgers University near Philadelphia. Following two years in Okinawa, she gained an MD at Temple University Medical School and pathology training with board certification in Florida. While working as the Tarpon Springs, Florida, hospital's Laboratory Medical Director, she served also on the University of South Florida Medical School's Clinical Faculty. She fills retirement with printmaking, landscape painting, and traveling with her husband Mike throughout the US and Canada. They live on a small, Hernando County, Florida, cattle ranch. Repeated requests for her reenacting Dr. Mary Safford for Tarpon Springs' Safford House Museum led to research th