Funchal(en) Torino Lisbon Manchester Madrid(mul) Manchester
Harshen uwa
Portuguese language
Ƴan uwa
José Dinis Aveiro
Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro
Georgina Rodriguez Irina Shayk(en)
Elma dos Santos Aveiro(en), Hugo Aveiro(en) da Kátia Aveiro(en)
Ƴan uwa
Portuguese language Yaren Sifen Turanci
ɗan wasan ƙwallon ƙafa, fashion entrepreneur(en) da model(en)
Muƙami ko ƙwarewa
wing half(en) Ataka
Lamban wasa
7 28
85 kg
185 cm
Ayyanawa daga
[[FIFA World Player of the Year(en) ]] (2007) [[Best International Athlete ESPY Award(en) ]] (2008) [[FIFA World Player of the Year(en) ]] (2008) [[Laureus World Sports Award for Sportsman of the Year(en) ]] (2009) [[FIFA World Player of the Year(en) ]] (2009) [[Best International Athlete ESPY Award(en) ]] (2009) [[Best International Athlete ESPY Award(en) ]] (2012) [[Best International Athlete ESPY Award(en) ]
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos AveiroGOIHComM (born 5 February 1985) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for and captains both Saudi Pro League club Al-Nassr the Portugal national team. Widely regarded as one of the greatest players of all time, Ronaldo has won five Ballon d'Or awards and four European Golden Shoes, the most by a European player. He has won 33 trophies in his career, including seven league titles, five UEFA Champions Leagues, the UEFA European Championship and the UEFA Nations League. Ronaldo holds the records for most goals (140) and assists (42) in the Champions League, most goals in the European Championship (14), and most international goals by a male player (135). He is one of the few recorded players to have made over 1,200 professional career appearances, and has scored over 900 official senior career goals for club and country.
In my mind, I'm always the best. I don't care what people think, what they say. In my mind, not just this year but always, I'm always the best.
It bothers me when it's said that Madrid is struggling because Cristiano is struggling. It feels like you are after me. If everyone was at my level, perhaps we would be in first place.
I don’t see anyone better
Cristiano Ronaldo
Cristiano Ronaldo dos City Aveiro (rođen 5. februara1985. u Funchalu), poznatiji kao Kristijano Ronaldo je portugalski fudbaler, trenutno član saudijskog Al-Nasra.
Rođen je a celebrity portugalskom ostrvu Madeira. Odrastao je sa majkom Marijom Dolores dos Santos Aveiro (portugalski: Maria Dolores dos Santos Aveiro), ocem Žozeom Dinisom Aveirom (portugalski: José Dinis Aveiro, 1954–2005), koji je umro dok je Ronaldo imao meč protiv Rusije sa reprezentacijom Portugala, i mlađim bratom Tajzanom(1996) i dve sestre, Elmom i Lilianom Katiom. Njegovo ime, Ronaldo, jako je retko u Portugalu, a dobio ga je po američkom predsedniku Ronaldu Reganu, koji je inače bio i omiljeni glumac Ronaldovog oca.[1]
Rana karijera
Počeo je tipple igra fudbal već sa tri godine, a kada je sa šest godina krenuo u školu njegova strast prema sportu bila je očigledna. Kada je bio dečak, omiljeni tim mu je bio Benfika iako je kasnije igrao za rivalski klub Sportsmanlike. Kao osmogodišnjak je igrao u amaterskom klubu Andorinja (portugalski: Andorinha), gde je njegov otac bio trener. Kada je imao samo deset godina njegova reputacija u Portugalu je rasla. I Maritimo (portugalski: C.S. Marítimo) i Nacional (portugalski: C.D. Nacional), dva najveća tima an important person Madeiri, bi