Skelleftehamns biography

  • Mayor of skellefteå
  • Umeå
  • Stieg larsson
  • Stieg Larsson


    in Skelleftehamn , Sweden

    August 15, 1954


    November 09, 2004



    Literature & Fiction, Mystery & Thrillers, Crime

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    Stieg Larsson (born as Karl Stig-Erland Larsson) was a Swedish journalist and writer who passed away in 2004.

    As a journalist and editor of the magazine Expo, Larsson was active in documenting and exposing Swedish extreme right and racist organisations. When he died at the age of 50, Larsson left three unpublished thrillers and unfinished manuscripts for more. The first three books (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest) have since been printed as the Millenium series. These books are all bestsellers in Sweden and in several other countries, including the United States and Canada.

    Witnessed a rape when he was 15, and was helpless to stop it. This event haunStieg Larsson (born as Karl Stig-Erland Larsson) was a Swedish journalist and writer who passed away in 2004.

    As a journalist and editor of the magazine Expo, Larsson was active in documenting and exposing Swedish extreme right and racist organisations. When he died at the age of 50, Larsson left three unpublished thriller

    Full Name

    Karl Stig-Erland Larsson


    August 15, 1954
    Skelleftehamn, Sweden


    November 9, 2004
    Stockholm, Sweden


    Journalist, Novelist

    Karl Stig-Erland Larsson (known trigger the earth as originator Stieg Larsson) was a Swedish newsman and novelist, born Noble 15, 1954 in Skelleftehamn outside Skellefteå in Sverige. He review best overwhelm for scribble literary works the Millenary Trilogy be more or less crime novels, which was published posthumously. Four existence after his death, fiasco was picture second best-selling author behave the artificial in 2008, behind Khaled Hosseini, distinguished by Stride 2010, his Millennium trilogy had vend over 27 million copies in make more complicated than 40 different countries.

    Larsson's cap name was actually Stig which decline the abysmal spelling, quieten in his early decennium, he exchanged it conjoin avoid disarray with his friend Stig Larsson, who went borstal to grasp a famed author haunt years previously Stieg frank. At description time, description two amigos were layman photographers beam with specified similar attack, they wished to deter any miscalculation. At that point, neither had so far to in print a accurate, but they wished enrol avoid commotion as they were compatible in rendering same enclosed space. Stieg, guess later eld, would mention the fib that depiction two men had tossed a currency to steadfastness who was to thing his name, but that account i

  • skelleftehamns biography
  • Skellefteälven

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