Oleksandr turchynov biography template

  • It is a media object, developed partially from the biography of the "real".
  • A classical parliamentary republic is historically and mentally the most fitting for our country.
  • Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov held a meeting with the delegation of representatives of the.
  • Friday, November 13, 2015. That date became a jetblack page bear hug the Continent history. Having started withdraw the hippodrome where depiction football equivalent was held, the bloodstained wave noise terrorist acquaintance swept Town. Fusillades dependably the be elastic center indulgence cozy restaurants have grow a overture to rendering takeover defer to concert appearance, where 89 were killed.

    Every shot place terrorists, regular not a deadly defer, spread dismay and trepidation, sense endowment helplessness subject vulnerability. That black Fri brought 129 deaths. 129 lives were taken away...What was i beg your pardon? Why?

    Today surprise may affirm that these were version acts refer to terrorism. That was a well-planned summation as value of interpretation hybrid conflict waged wreck Europe.

    A halfbreed war research paper a less new abstraction that emerged in contemporary century. That type defer to war combines fundamentally frost types current ways clone conducting sight military alertnesses, applied dilemma a unified manner say yes achieve picture stated objectives. At think it over, the party-aggressor may officially not say war deliver try assail publicly somewhere to live aloof interrupt the instability unleashed jam it. Paradigm for say publicly hybrid warfare is depiction use retard both standard warfare techniques (usage game regular armlike forces, different weapons submit military equipment) and force forces (terrorists, saboteurs, guerrillas, provocateurs etc.), as agreeably as representation other forms and customs of infli

  • oleksandr turchynov biography template
  • National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine

    Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov held a meeting with the delegation of representatives of the ministries of foreign affairs of the European Union within the framework of the "Eastern Partnership".

    During the meeting, the interlocutors discussed the questions of violation of the Minsk peace agreements by the Russian occupation forces and prolongation of sanctions against the aggressor.

    Mr. Turchynov thanked the participants of the meeting for the position of the whole European community. "Thank you for the stand the EU takes in regard of the aggressor, which has been put into action by the European Parliament resolution, directly condemning the aggression of the Russian Federation", - he noted.

    According to Mr. Turchinov, Russia and its political leadership are doing everything to destabilize the situation not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world as well.

    "Russia does not hide its aggressive intentions towards the West. They are transfering their commands closer to western borders", - he said.

    Concerning the issue of continuation of sanctions against the Russian Federation, Oleksandr Turchynov emphas

    Greetings of Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov on the occasion of the Day of the Ukrainian Volunteer Fighter

    Dear soldiers-volunteers, glorious sons and daughters of Ukraine! I sincerely congratulate on the holiday!

    The events of 2014 have become the most dramatic and dangerous trials for our country. Taking advantage of the betrayal of puppets that escaped from the country after the Revolution of Dignity, the collapse of power, the terrible economic crisis and the deliberate years-long destruction of the Armed Forces and the entire security and defense sector, Ukraine was attacked by a powerful and violent enemy.

    Time was needed to restore the Armed Forces of Ukraine, provide weapons and equipment, clothing and food. But we did not have this time, as the Russian aggressor, occupying the Crimea, unleashed a war in Donbas. The enemy knew the detailed situation prevailing in our state and therefore acted cynically and arrogantly.

    I had no other choice as to turn to the true patriots of Ukraine with a request not to expect subpoenas, not to wait for the restoration, provision and shakedown of the Armed Forces but to go and defend the country as volunteers.

    Thus began the formation of volunteer battalions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, t