Mayr florian st willibald biography

  • Biography of St. Willibald: Willibald was the brother of St. Winebald and St. Walburga and his cousin was the great St. Boniface.
  • Biography of Saint Florian: Saint Florian was an officer of the Roman Army who was stationed in Noricum (now Austria) during the persecution of Diocletian.
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  • Culture and Faith Seminar in Europe!

    Wednesday, June 27, 2007 @ 12:00 pm – Thursday, July 5, 2007 @ 12:00 pm

    This ancient seat of Prince Bishops north of Munich was a principal site for the initial evangelization of the German lands. Its first bishop, St. Willibald, was ordained here by his uncle St. Boniface in 741. His relics are still venerated in a Baroque shrine nestled in the back of the great Gothic cathedra in townl. The relics of his sister St. Walburga are venerated in the Benedictine Abbey that bears her name. We will be given a tour of the church by Sister Angela and will pray along as the nuns sing Vespers. There will be excursions to the Prince Bishops’ fortress, Willibaldsburg and a pilgrimage to the Marian chapel of Frauenberg, or “Mary Mount”. Leaving the small town of Eichstätt, we will travel to Freising, the original site of the Archdiocese of Munich with its great cathedral and bishops’ fortress. Father Ratzinger taught at the seminary here. Then a day will be spent in Catholic Munich with its Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque churches, its lively markets, and the playful bells and statuary of the Town Hall clock. Lectures will cover the early history of Catholicism in Germany, Ch

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  • mayr florian st willibald biography