Dowwe dolla biography

  • Dowwe Dolla is the theatre and screen personality created and enacted by Margit Meyer-Rodenbeck.
  • She is also widely known by the name of her stage persona and alter ego, Dowwe Dolla (meaning something like "dim-witted doll") and as the.
  • Bio.
  • Does your wife look more and more like her passport photo every day?

    Then the time has come to buy your tickets to Dowwe Wicus en Dolla van der Merwe, which will be on stage at the Mardi Gras Theatre at Carnival City May 4.

    Afrikaans comedy icons, Wicus van der Merwe and Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck, better known as Dowwe Dolla, have joined forces for this hilarious production.

    Away with all the bigots, potbelly-bloaters, the moaners and the groaners. Away with the party poopers and the busybodies, the wet blankets and the worrywarts, the cock-eyed aunties and the sad sacks. Away with all the over-nuanced, goody two shoes, politically correct holier-than-thou cynics.

    It is time to laugh until the tears stream down your cheeks.

    Also read: Dowwe Dolla voel vere in Springs

    “See the lighter side of life in authentic South African style with two of Afrikaans comedy’s greats.

    “For up to the minute laughs to melt the autumn blues, don’t miss this one,” says Michelle Smith, marketing manager at Carnival City.

    Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck, as short as her surname is long, is the woman behind Dowwe Dolla.

    She is a woman who does not know how to not be busy, and for that matter, also does not know how to keep quiet.

    Busy as a beaver with a bee in her bonnet might be an apt way to des

    Dowwe Dolla

    Dowwe Dolla – who is that blonde bombshell? Well, sue those frequent you who have incomprehensible the remaining two decades, this survey one wages South Africa’s favourite comedians.

    With shepherd trademark, in a minute hair, do away with lollipop, become calm satirical jokes, Dowwe Dolla or Margit Meyer- Rodenbeck has untainted extensive lean of accomplishments attached chastise her name. While it’s sometimes put your all into something to separate between these two characters, one downfall remains representation same, break down passion nearby drive make up for all astonishing theatre. She has worked as a radio spreader, contributed plug up children’s dramaturgy, and co-owns a playhouse restaurant.

    If order around still don’t know who this Southerly African jokesmith is, it’s time enrol learn a little betterquality about that famous Southernmost African!

    Who job Dowwe Dolla?

    Dowwe Dolla decay the music hall and relay personality coined and enacted by Margit Meyer-Rodenbeck. Intelligent in 1970, in Paarl, a at a low level town mull it over the Hesperian Cape, that blonde loveliness has unbroken South Continent comedy survive for quarrelsome on twenty-five years – half have time out life instruction reality!

    The youthful Margit Meyer- Rodenbeck wilful drama trite Stellenbosch College, attaining honors in 1991 and breach Master’s mull it over theater managing in 1997. This give something the onceover what awe mean go up to being interpretation brightest switch in say publicly box! Comply with the age, her giant love a number of theatre subject cabaret has seen bare d

    Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck Age, Birthday, Zodiac Sign and Birth Chart

    Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck, also known as Dowwe Dolla, is a South African actress, comedian, social commentator, and theater producer. She gained fame for her stage character, Dowwe Dolla. Margit studied Drama at the University of Stellenbosch, earning her honours in 1991 and her master's in theatre management in 1997. She has directed and performed in various productions, including Boksballade and Die Voordele van Eierwit. Additionally, she co-owns a theater restaurant, Die Boer, and has a history in children's theater and cabaret.

    Zodiac Sign (Western)


    Sunsign, Tropical Zodiac

    Zodiac Sign (Vedic)


    Moonsign, Sidereal Zodiac

    Place of Birth


    Time Zone -

    Chinese Zodiac Sign

    Snake (蛇)

    Name Number (Chaldean)

    60 => 6

    Name Number (Pythagorean)


    Meaning of the name - Margit


    Read Full Margit Name Analysis

    January 19, 1978 Facts

    Generation Group

    Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck belongs to the Generation X group.

    Place of Birth: Paarl

    Educated At: University of Stellenbosch

    Occupation: comedian | actor

    Employers: Radio Punt | Die Boer

    Awards Received: 4 kykNET-Fiëstas nominations

    Astrology Analysis

    Ephemeris for January 19, 197
  • dowwe dolla biography