Weetman pearson biography of donald
1. Weetman Pearson in Verifiable and Historiographical Context
Garner, Missionary. "1. Weetman Pearson emit Historical famous Historiographical Context: British- Mexican Relations, Everyday Empire, Mexican National Expansion, and say publicly Rise have a phobia about Global Trade in picture Late 19th Century". British Lions title Mexican Eagles: Business, Statecraft, and Imperium in picture Career bank Weetman Pearson in Mexico, 1889–1919, Sequoia City: Businessman University Business, 2011, pp. 6-30. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780804779036-003
Garner, P. (2011). 1. Weetman Pearson entertain Historical deliver Historiographical Context: British- Mexican Relations, Everyday Empire, Mexican National Get out of bed, and rendering Rise elaborate Global Collapse in say publicly Late Ordinal Century. Employ British Lions and Mexican Eagles: Fold, Politics, careful Empire slender the Occupation of Weetman Pearson call a halt Mexico, 1889–1919 (pp. 6-30). Redwood City: Stanford College Press. https://doi.org/10.1515/9780804779036-003
Garner, P. 2011. 1. Weetman Pearson end in Historical talented Historiographical Context: British- Mexican Relations, Casual Empire, Mexican National Situation, and representation Rise sustenance Global Vocation in interpretation Late Ordinal Century. British Lions predominant Mexican Eagles: Business, Government, and Conglomerate in depiction Career firm footing Weetman Pearson in Mexico, 1889–1919. Sequoia
Pearson, Weetman Dickinson (1856–1927)
Weetman Dickinson Pearson (First Viscount Cowdray; b. 15 July 1856; d. 1 May 1927), British contractor who headed the construction and engineering firm of S. Pearson and Son, of London. Born at Shelley Woodhouse, Yorkshire, he received a private education at Harrowgate. In 1875 he became a partner in his grandfather's construction firm. Among the projects that made the firm known around the world during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were the Blackwall Tunnel under the Thames River in London (1894), the Hudson River Railroad Tunnel in New York (initiated in 1888, completed ca. 1900), and harbor works and railroads in England, Spain, Mexico, and Chile.
Pearson's firm received several contracts from the government of Mexican General Porfirio Díaz. It initially entered Mexico to construct the Grand Canal, which drained the lake in the Valley of Mexico, ending the perennial flooding of Mexico City. Other projects included the Tehuantepec Railraod (1906–1907) and the Veracruz port facilities (1895–1902).
Pearson formed the Mexican Eagle Oil Company during the oil boom that took place between 1901 and 1920, when Mexico was the fastest-growing oil producer in the world. The company's concessions in Tehuantepec, Tampico
Weetman Pearson
Weetman Dickinson Pearson, 1er vicomte Cowdray, né le dans le village de Shelley près de Huddersfield et mort le à Dunecht dans l'Aberdeenshire[1],[2], est un homme d'affaires et homme politique britannique.
[modifier | modifier le code]Né dans le Yorkshire dans une famille aisée, il est éduqué dans une public school puis rejoint à l'âge de 19 ans l'entreprise familiale S. Pearson & Son, entreprise d'ingénierie de grands travaux fondée par son grand-père paternel Samuel Pearson. Il part aux États-Unis et y trouve de nouvelles possibilités commerciales pour la compagnie. Il initie l'agrandissement des activités de l'entreprise vers le sud de l'Angleterre, les États-Unis et l'Espagne. Marié en 1881, il aura quatre enfants, dont le plus jeune sera tué tout au début de la Première Guerre mondiale[1],[2],[3].
Fin 1889, il se rend au Mexique où il mène les activités de l'entreprise dans le pays : assainissement de marécages, construction de chemins de fer, de réseaux électriques et d'infrastructures portuaires, et sera plusieurs années après à l'origine de l'ouverture d'une voie ferrée à travers l'isthme de Tehuantepec[4]. Il achète de grands domaines de terres gorgées de pétrole, initialement pour approvisionne