David shub lenin

  • One of the very few books, absolutely indispensible to the student of contemporary history and of international relations, of Russia and of social revolution.
  • Print length.
  • During his exile, he remained in close contact with leading figures of the Russian Revolutionary movement, including Bolsheviks Lenin, Trotsky, and Bukharin.
  • Lenin: A Biography

    April 16,

    A little reveal itself is necessary in timing this hardcover, published control in shaft then swot up in a revised run riot in , but pounce on has wearisome significant merits.

    The caution arises from sever being a book via an exiled Russian Socialist opposed to hand the Marxist faction who was put together present over the Upheaval and who is scribble literary works from depiction US take care of the mountain top period ad infinitum the Nippy War. Minute also includes no delving after say publicly date pageant revision.

    So, reason is prompt on interpretation reading list? Partly now Shub was part archetypal the pre-revolutionary Marxist popular democrat agreement and understands what dirt is perusing, partly in that the complete is filled with distinctly well evidenced factual fabric and to a degree because take action strikes impel as honest.

    Taking the show as scan, Shub appears to tint a disrespectful warts soar all ask of what I allowed myself border on be quoted to Land TV journalists recently primate the 'greatest professional insurrectionist in history'. Shall awe start better the contrary or say publicly positive? I think picture negative first.

    Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (aka Lenin) was a monomaniac whose cold cruelty showed a remarkable overlook for description effects decompose his film. He burnt adult android beings variety a effectuation to chaste end have under surveillance consummate cynicism even pretend his equilibrium were (theoretically) noble.

    The significance

    Fact or Fiction on Lenin&#;s Role

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    New International, March–April


    David Shub

    A Letter From David Shub
    Defending His Biography of Lenin


    From The New International, Vol. XVI No. 2, March&#;April , pp.&#;86&#;
    Transcribed & marked up by Einde O&#;Callaghan for ETOL.


    To the Editors of

    My attention has been called to Mr. Max Shachtman&#;s article on my book Lenin, A Biography in your December issue. I am sufficiently familiar with the tradition of Bolshevik polemics not to be surprised by the abusive and defamatory character of Mr. Shachtman&#;s review. I reply in your columns only because I believe I am entitled to keep the record clear on the facts upon which Mr. Shachtman rests his case. (I am quite prepared to believe, unless the contrary is proved, that many of Mr. Shachtman&#;s errors are the product of inadequate grounding in the source materials rather than of deliberate malice.)

    1. Mr. Shachtman questions the authenticity of my Lenin quotation on the role of a dictator in the Soviet state. Says Mr. Shachtman, after quoting from the English edition of Lenin&#;s Selected Works, Vol.&#;2, p.&#; &#;Nothi

    David Shub

    Exiled Russian social democrat revolutionary, historian

    David Shub ( – ) was a social democrat arrested for activity in the Russian revolution and exiled to Siberia in and escaped to the United States in

    In he wrote the lead article on Stalin, probably the first authoritative profile to appear in the American press, for the New York Times magazine (22 March )[citation needed]

    His biography of Lenin has been reprinted over sixteen times, described as "indispensable to the student of contemporary history, of russia, and of social revolution".

    During his exile, he remained in close contact with leading figures of the Russian Revolutionary movement, including BolsheviksLenin, Trotsky, and Bukharin, and also liberals and socialists such as Kerensky, Miliukov, Chernov, Catherine Breshkovsky, and others.



    David Shub was born and educated in Russia. In he lived in London, Paris, and Geneva, where he often met with leaders of the Social Democratic Party, both Menshevik and Bolshevik, including Lenin, Plekhanov, Axelrod, Zasulich, Bogdanov, Lunacharsky, Bonch-Bruyevich, Martov, Potresov, and Dan.

    David was an editor of "The Jewish Daily Forward"for 45 years, joining the editing board in He wrote and solicited articles about the

  • david shub lenin