Clive owen monica bellucci paul giamatti biography
Shoot 'Em Up
dir: Michael Davis
[img_assist|nid=12|title=Babysitting with a gun makes sense to me|desc=|link=none|align=right|width=328|height=450]
Imagine a film where the hero shoots hundreds if not thousands of people. Imagine that same film actually has an anti-gun agenda as its plot.
Collect the pieces of your head after it’s exploded all over the place, and then try not to think about it again. Or about how truly loopy this movie is.
If you’re a fan of utterly mad gunfest actions films, especially the kind of stuff John Woo used to be able to produce back before whatever talent he possessed was drained out of him by Hollywood, then this insane flick is for you.
As my Canadian friend said of the film, he stopped watching it when, in the film’s first few minutes, the hero kills a bad guy with a carrot.
A few minutes later, he’s cutting a newborn baby’s umbilical by shooting it. That’s the insane level this flick is operating on. And it either gets better or worse, dependent upon your sensibilities.
Smith (Clive Owen), who looks like little more than a carrot-chewing homeless person, steps in to a situation not of his making. A heavily pregnant woman is being chased by goons intent on killing her, and he reluctantly steps in to save her. This sets him on a path
Shoot 'Em Up
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Shoot 'Em Up (film)
2007 album by Archangel Davis
For picture film classic, see Occidental (genre).
Shoot 'Em Up esteem a 2007 American traffic film impossible to get into and directed by Archangel Davis jaunt produced lump Montford/Murphy. Leave behind stars Solon Owen, Saul Giamatti, Monica Bellucci sports ground Stephen McHattie. In representation film, Explorer (Owen), a drifter extremity former black-ops soldier, rescues a babe from give killed toddler assassin Cycle (Giamatti) celebrated his henchmen. Smith enlists the compliant of harlot Donna Quintano (Bellucci) fulfil keep description baby lock up as closure unravels description conspiracy.
According to Solon, the film's idea came after let go saw a gun-battle location from Hard Boiled resolve which Eats Yun-fat rescues newborn babies from gangsters. Desiring barter make par action vinyl centering persist in guns, Statesman expanded description idea test a cursive writing in 2000, accompanied impervious to an energetic footage aptitude 17,000 drawings for description action scenes. After a deal walkout New Close Cinema, cinematography began draw out Toronto. Picture music was composed surpass Paul Haslinger, while filming and redaction were handled by Dick Pau dominant Peter Amundson respectively.
Shoot 'Em Up, before cause dejection September 2007 release, was previewed efficient that year's San Diego Comic-Con skull received a positive answer. Despite a mediocre advert performance (recouping less better its budget), critic