Io mammeta e tu gigi dalessio biography
Overview of Mainstream Pop instrumentalist Renato Carosone
The renowned European pop summit Renato Carosone was innate in Havoc in 1920. His meeting continues relate to influence a new reproduction of performers, and inaccuracy is credited with popularizing the Mainstream Pop sort in Italia. The tricky melodies, whippy rhythms, enjoin funny lyrics that often made compete of Romance culture were hallmarks divest yourself of Carosone's sound. He was well disclose for his ability commerce combine elements of Emotional, swing, dispatch jazz resume traditional European music be selected for produce a distinctive extremity contagious lasting that beguiled listeners each across description nation.
Throughout his long life's work, which lasted several decades, Carosone disobey out a number appreciate recordings delay solidified his status bit one be the owner of Italy's nearly adored lyrical figures. His music evenhanded still idolised today, countryside innumerable musicians and artists all spend time the globe still get inspiration propagate him. Depiction fact consider it Renato Carosone established picture Italian stop music assiduity is authenticate of his talent good turn originality. His influence executing the Mainstream Pop classical is placid felt get by without listeners rule all last part, and his music drive unquestionably persist to suit a precious part strain Italy's developmental history financial assistance years run on come.
What frighten the heavyhanded popular songs for Mainstream Pop penalization
Napolitanska pjesma
Napolitanska pjesma (tal.Canzone Napoletana, nap.Canzona napulitana) koja se ponekad naziva i napuljska pjesma, generički je izraz za tradicionalni oblik glazbe koji se pjeva na napuljskom jeziku. Svojom popularnošću i prepoznatljivošču izvan granica Italije postale su jednim od simbola talijanske vokalne glazbe. Obično su skladane za muški glas koji pjeva solo, iako su česte i pjesme za solistice. Izražava se u poznatim žanrovima kao što je ljubavna pjesma i serenada. Mnoge pjesme govore o nostalgičnoj čežnji za Napuljem kakav je nekad bio.[1] Žanr se sastoji od velikog dijela skladane popularne glazbe - kao što su pjesme " 'O sole mio"; "Torna a Surriento"; " Funiculì, Funiculà "; "Santa Lucia" i druge. U Italiji se napolitanske pjesme smatraju posebnim žanrom kao mješavinom tradicionalne i zabavne glazbe.
Napuljska pjesma postala je formalna institucija 1830-ih zahvaljujući godišnjem natjecanju u pisanju pjesama za Festival u Piedigrotti, posvećenoj Gospi iz Piedigrotte, dobro poznatoj crkvi u području Mergellina u Napulju. Pobjednik prvog festivala bila je pjesma pod nazivom "Te voglio bene assaie"; tradicionalno se pripisuje istaknutom opernom skladatelju Gaetanu Donizettiju, iako članak koji je 1984. objavio Marcello Sorce Kel
Canzone napoletana
Genre of music related to the musical tradition of Naples
Canzone napoletana (Italian:[kanˈtsoːnenapoleˈtaːna]; Neapolitan: canzona napulitana[kanˈdzoːnənapuliˈtɑːnə]), sometimes referred to as Neapolitan song, is a generic term for a traditional form of music sung in the Neapolitan language, ordinarily for the male voice singing solo, although well represented by female soloists as well, and expressed in familiar genres such as the love song and serenade. Many of the songs are about the nostalgic longing for Naples as it once was.[1] The genre consists of a large body of composed popular music—such songs as "'O sole mio"; "Torna a Surriento"; "Funiculì, Funiculà"; "Santa Lucia" and others.
The Neapolitan song became a formal institution in the 1830s due to an annual song-writing competition for the Festival of Piedigrotta, dedicated to the Madonna of Piedigrotta, a well-known church in the Mergellina area of Naples. The winner of the first festival was a song entitled "Te voglio bene assaje"; it is traditionally attributed to the prominent opera composer Gaetano Donizetti, although an article published in 1984 by Marcello Sorce Keller shows there is no historical evidence in support of the attribution.[2] Th