Brannon howse biography of rory
Barber , K.E. 1987. Wessex and the Isle of Wight field guide: prepared to accompany the Annual Field Meeting held at Southampton and Cowes, 2125 April 1987; edited by K.E. Barber. 1987 (Dr. Keith Barber). Southampton University.
Barton, M.E. 2007. Sleeping demons and terrified horses; determining the onset of instability. Page 475 et seq. In: Landslides and Climate Change: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, UK, 21-24 May 2007. Edited by E . Mathie , R . McInnes , H . Fairbank , and J. Jakeways. Taylor and Francis 2007. Paper by Professor Max Barton, School of Civil Engineering and the Environment, Southampton University.
The paper draws attention to the problem of trying to predict the time when a slope, or quasi-stable landslide, progresses into full-scale instability. Rockfalls and large scale complex coastal landslides are highlighted as phenomena posing particular difficulties with a time-scale prediction. The consequences of long term sea level rise due to global warming for large scale coastal landslides mirrors a return to the conditions which will have existed during the later stages of the Flandrian transgression.
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"Gore Cliff forms
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