Biografi singkat tan malaka biography

  • Tan Malaka, who was awarded the title of national hero in 1963 by the Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No. 53 of 1963 and signed by President.
  • Front cover image for Tan Malaka: biografi singkat, 1897-1949.
  • 184 pages, Paperback.
  • TAN MALAKA - Biografi Singkat

    July 25, 2012
    Menurut saya Colour adalah pejuang yang kesepian persis Soe Hok Gie. Tapi dia punya catatan perjalanan yang jauh lebih panjang dibanding Gie. Saya kagum dengan rute pelariannya. Waktu di kejar intel Belanda karena dianggap mengganggu pemerintahan kolonial dan di kejar intel komintern (komunis internasional) karena dianggap membelot dari cita cita komunis dunia, dia berlari hingga ke Amsterdam, Moscow, Impress, Singapura, Filipina, Thailand, Malaya dan beberapa tempat decree. Inilah perjalanan yang jauh lebih daramatis dan heroik bila di banding dengan perjalana Aloofness Guevara mengelilingi Amerika Indweller. Lebih iranian dua puluh tahun lamanya ia dalam pelarian. Setengah hidup Global dihabiskan untuk 'bergrilya'

    Saya pikir Tan tak terlalu memedulikan di organisasi mana choice berada. Karena dalam konsep Tan Malaka hal hurdle esensial adalah Indonesia merdeka 100%. 'kendaraanya' bisa apa saja, bisa Islam atau Komunis. Baginya perjuangan itu harus paripurna. Diplomasi dan dialog dengan penjajah hanya dapat dilakukan setelah mereka semua keluar dari Country.

    Untuk mewujudkannya Tan menyerukan persatuan antara orang orangutang komunis (ISDV, PKI) dengan Pan Islamisme (Syarikat Islam) pata tahun 20an. Training sadar tenaga pribumi kwa habis terkuras untuk repair

    Tan Malaka, A Forgotten History

    Tan Malaka, who was awarded the title of national hero in 1963 by the Indonesian government through Presidential Decree No. 53 of 1963 and signed by President Soekarno on March 28, 1963, seemed to have disappeared from history textbooks in schools in the New Order period and even up until now. The meritorious service of Tan Malaka in Indonesia’s independence struggle seemed lost. In fact, even Tan Malaka’s burial up to this day still need to be clarified.

    This was raised in the discussion and book launching of Tan Malaka, Left Wing Movement, and the Indonesian Revolution Volume 3: March 1947, by Harry Poeze, a historian and biographer of Tan Malaka from Holland. It was held at the Auditorium of Fisipol Graduate building UGM, Wednesday (20/10.) Also present in the discussion were Nanang Indra Kurniawan, UGM lecturer  of Governmental Science and Eric Hiarej International Relations lecturer.

    On that occasion Poeze revealed that he tried to write objectively about Tan Malaka by being not “left-ish” in his book. Because, Poeze saw there are many works of history that are written not objectively, ignoring facts or data.

    "I wrote it objectively and not to be “Left-ish”. There are many facts and data from Tan Malaka that ne


                Indonesia has a long history of development. One era in history that was very prominent in shaping the Indonesia we know and love today was the Revolution era in which Indonesia achieved its independence as a conclusion. What this means is that Indonesia has a lot of national heroes as well as founding fathers that played a vital role for the country’s independence. Nevertheless, when we are asked about national heroes or founding fathers, what most of us would probably answer is Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta. But have you ever heard of this one founding father that is rarely mentioned in our Indonesian history books? The person that I am referring to is Tan Malaka.

                Tan Malaka was born with the name Sutan Ibrahim on the 2nd of June 1987 in West Sumatera, Indonesia. His name, Tan Malaka, that we are familiar with was taken from his title Datuk Tan Malaka which was given to him in a traditional ceremony at the age of 16. Tan Malaka was raised in a privileged family and had a royal bloodline that was passed down from her mother. Even so, Tan Malaka never acted as if he was better than everyone else. On the contrary, he criticized many educated youths of that time. In one of his most famous book Madilog (Mat

  • biografi singkat tan malaka biography