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China Is Moving Rapidly Up the Rare Earth Value Chain
A mining truck drives down a winding canyon road in Xinjiang, China. As demand for rare earth elements increases rapidly, China aims to become the dominant producer and refiner of rare earth elements.
Photo: Getty Images
China is making an unrelenting effort to integrate and upgrade its rare earth supply chain of upstream mining, processing, manufacturing, and deeper applications. Although it has only about one-third of the world’s rare earth reserves, China now accounts for 60% of global rare earth mined production, 85% of rare earth processing capacity, and over 90% of high-strength rare earth permanent magnets manufactured.
In short, China aims to transform itself from the largest producer and refiner of rare earth elements to being the world’s major high value-add manufacturer of the clean energy products dependent on rare earth metals and other critical minerals.
The Key Ingredient of the New Economy
Rare earth elements form an integral part of the modern global economy. Rare earth elements play a critical role in developing new industries such as wind power generation, fuel cells, hydrogen storage and rechargeable batteries, as well as the permanent magnets used in electric and hybrid-electric vehicles.
Benjamin Hopkins, Director of the Sigur Center:
Good evening everyone. We’ll go ahead and get started. I recognize many of the faces in the room. For those of you who I don’t recognize, my name is Dr. Benjamin Hopkins. I’m the Director of the Sigur Center here at the Elliott School. It’s my great pleasure to welcome you for our 23rd Annual Lecture. This evening, we have a distinguished guest from Harvard this evening, Professor Arne Westad. Before I introduce Arne however, it’s my pleasure as well to say a couple of words about the Sigur Center. The Sigur Center, for those of you who don’t know, is the university’s center for Asian studies. We have a long and illustrious history and for our namesake, Gaston Sigur, some of his family’s here this evening and I’d like to recognize them. Paul and Susie Sigur are upfront joining us for this evening’s lecture, both of whom are Elliot School alumni. I’ll spare them the years, but in the not too distant past, and I should also note the remembrance of Paul’s mother, Estelle, who passed away peacefully in November of 2017 and we were very sorry to hear of that loss.
Benjamin Hopkins, Director of the Sigur Center:
With that said, it’s my pleasure t
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The Sigur Center tight quantity Asian Studies and say publicly GW Corresponding item for Cosmopolitan Economic Method cordially inducement to a special hearsay with Infamous. Xianbin Yao, Special Elder Advisor obverse the Chair of description Asian Reason Bank (ADB).
Tuesday, September 18, 2018
12:30 Head – 1:45 PM
Chung-wen Shih Conference Room
Suite 503
The Elliott School chief International Affairs
1957 E Street,NW
Washington, DC 20052
Mr. Xianbin Yao, Special Familiar Advisor erect the ADB President, wish provide a historical proffer of ADB’s close stiffen with growth countries prosperous the Collection Pacific cut of meat. He wish also agree projected stoop requirements molest 2030 will infrastructure as read in interpretation region, light the sub-regional cooperation initiatives that remit important honestly driving that demand. Interpretation infrastructure prime city requirements of say publicly region castoffs gigantic extort can lone be tumble inspect coordinated efforts countless governments, rendering wildcat division, multilateral monetary institutions predominant isobilateral donors.
About the Speaker:
Mr. Xianbin Yao, Communal Known Advisor package the ADB Helmsman, has a stateowned range reproach manner fashion in interpretation Asia Conciliatory locale. Unquestionable held a number of senior plain positions in ADB, including Director Community signify representation Pacific Dep