Tallis thomas biography of michael

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  • How old was thomas tallis when he died
  • Thomas tallis death
  • Tallis, Thomas

    The English composer and organist Thomas Tallis (ca. ) wrote anthems, services, and other music for the Anglican rite. He is considered the father of English cathedral music.

    Evidence points to Leicestershire as the birthplace of Thomas Tallis. Of his youth, education, and musical training nothing certain is known. The earliest official record of his professional activity places him as organist at Dover Priory in From his Benedictine cloister he moved first to St. Mary-at-Hill in Billingsgate about and then to the Augustinian Abbey of the Holy Cross at Waltham, where he served until its dissolution in

    Under the adverse circumstances which ensued, Tallis next joined the musical establishment at Canterbury, leaving 2 years later to become a gentleman of the Chapel Royal. He stayed in that position for the rest of his life. For nearly a half century he composed, played, sang, and taught music at the English court. During that period he witnessed the stylistic transition from medieval to tonal polyphony, which culminated in his own compositions and in those of his brilliant pupil William Byrd. Tallis died in Greenwich on Nov. 23, , survived by his widow, Joan.

    Tallis composed mainly sacred works, and his oeuvre may most conveniently be divided into two kin

    Thomas Tallis

    English Renaissance composer (died )

    Thomas Tallis (;[2] also Tallys or Talles; c.&#;&#;&#; 23 November [n 1]) was an English composer of High Renaissance music. His compositions are primarily vocal, and he occupies a primary place in anthologies of English choral music. Tallis is considered one of England's greatest composers, and is honoured for his original voice in English musicianship.





    As no records about the birth, family or childhood of Thomas Tallis exist, almost nothing is known about his early life or origins. Historians have calculated that he was born in the early part of the 16th century, towards the end of the reign of Henry VII of England, and estimates for the year of his birth range from to His only known relative was a cousin called John Sayer. As the surnamesSayer and Tallis both have strong connections with Kent, Thomas Tallis is usually thought to have been born somewhere in the county.

    There are suggestions that Tallis sang as a child of the chapel in the Chapel Royal, the same singing establishment which he joined as an adult. He was probably a chorister at the BenedictinePriory of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Martin of the New Work, in Dover, where he was employed at an ea

  • tallis thomas biography of michael
  • Person

    Thomas Shawl


    Essay list undamaged

    Roughage list fulfilled


    Born: , England

    Died: , England

    Information: Wikipedia


    9 Performances

    9 PerformancesAll items


    Illumina: Harris,Rautavaara,Rachmaninov,Byrd,Hildegard,Tallis,Rutter,Palestrina,Ligeti,etc. - Set of Column College, University, cond.T. Darkbrown