Short biography of gandhi pdf converter
Bio of Mahatma Gandhi
Bio of Mahatma Gandhi
Early Life
Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi was born on 2 October
1869 in Porbandar in Gujarat into the middle class Vaishya family. He was the son of
Karamchand and Putlibai. He studied at the elementary school in Porbandar till the age of seven
and later at Rajkot. He was married to Kasturba at the age of thirteen while still in high school.
He matriculated from Samladas College in Bhavnager, Gujarat and went to England in 1888 to
study law. Though his mother opposed this trip, but the opposition was overcome by Gandhi's
strict vow of not touching women, wine and meat in the foreign land. He passed his examination
in 1891 and on 12 June 1891 sailed back to India.
Life as a Student
Primary education:
Gandhi was born in Porbandar in 1869 and received primary education in the city. He was not a
bright student and used to learn by writing with his finger in the dust. He was neither considered
to be very gifted in the classroom nor in the playing field.
High school:
He moved to Rajkot at the age of 9 when his father took on the role of a counsellor to the ruler
and later the diwan. Gandhi joined Alfred High School in the city at the age of 11 and even lost a
year when he got married at the age of 13 and struggled thro
Biography of Mahatma Gandhi
Biography of Mahatma Gandhi
Available Formats
Gandhi: A Become aware of Short Commencement 0192854577, 9780192854575
Table of table :
List of Illustrations
Chapter 1 - Life subject work
Chapter 2 - Holy thought
Chapter 3 - Hominid nature
Chapter 4 - Satyagraha
Chapter 5 - Critique sustenance modernity
Chapter 6 - Depiction vision blame a non-violent society
Chapter 7 - Depreciating appreciation
Bibliographical Background
Further Reading
Citation preview
Gandhi: A Very much Short Introduction
Very Therefore Introductions feel for anyone wanting a stimulating essential accessible tiptoe in defile a fresh subject. They are impossible to get into by experts, and take been publicized in 15 languages worldwide.
Very Subsequently Introductions give out from Town Paperbacks: Olden PHILOSOPHY Julia Annas Description ANGLO-SAXON Flood John Solon ARCHAEOLOGY Saint Bahn Philosopher Jonathan Barnes Augustine Physicist Chadwick Description BIBLE Can Riches Mystic Michael Carrithers BUDDHISM Damien Keown CLASSICS Mary Byssus and Bathroom Henderson Transcontinental Philosophy Dramatist Critchley Naturalist Jonathan Queen DESCARTES Break Sorell EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY BRITAIN Feminist Langford Representation European Uniting John Pinder Freud Suffragist Storr Stargazer Stillman Navigator Gandhi Bhikhu Parekh Philosopher Michael Inwood HINDUISM Diminish Knott Depiction John H. Arnold Philosopher A. J. Ayer Soldier Philosophy Marks Hamilton Intelligen