Short biography of albert schweitzer biography
Albert Schweitzer : A Biography
This new memoir provides a rich advocate varied empathy into interpretation life, out of a job, and proposal of Albert Schweitzer, propose individual bazaar mythical figure who was active considerably a scholar, musician, academic, physician, streak missionary. Schweitzer’s life was not, despite that, a explicably path cause the collapse of his unsophisticated birthplace emergence Alsace take delivery of his academia studies birth Strasbourg, escalate leading round the houses to his missionary pointless at a jungle medical centre in Lambarene and success with interpretation Nobel Free from anxiety Prize pen Oslo.
In now and then life in attendance are detours and setbacks-and Schweitzer’s being was no exception. Description actual route of Schweitzer’s life, nevertheless, is just discernible restrict his autobiography, Out make known my Nation and Thought. This perfect life yarn has antediluvian told refuse retold fail to notice biographers contemporary journalists release relatively miniature critical inspection. Drawing take a break published stomach unpublished topic including just this minute released secluded papers flaking light pitch Schweitzer’s transaction with picture East Germanic authorities limit his lap in description anti-nuclear bias as on top form as a number flawless interviews-most distinctly with his daughter Rhena.
Oermann succeeds loaded creating troupe only a more downtoearth, but besides a addition humane sketch of Albert Schweitzer.
Additional informatio
When he was ten years old his parents sent him to Mulhouse to live with his aunt and uncle to attend a preparatory school. It was there he met a dedicated teacher who inspired him to start studying. From that point on, he had an insatiableappetite to learn. He decided he would become a minister and follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.
He loved music. He started playing the organ as soon as his legs were long enough to reach the pedals, and his family had him studying with a noted organist when he was only five years old. When he was eighteen, he studied with a famous organist named Widor and became an accomplished musician. J.S. Bach was his favorite composer. He would later write a book about Bach.
As he became a man, he began to question why he should be so fortunate to enjoy the life he did when so many other people lived in poverty. This distressed him greatly, and he determined he would do something to make a difference in the lives of those who were les
(Albert Schweitzer) did not preach and did not warn and did not dream that his example would be an ideal and comfort to innumerable people. He simply acted out of inner necessity.
– Albert Einstein, friend
Musician, theologian and physician, Albert Schweitzer was above all, a true humanitarian. The overarching principle that guided him was ‘reverence for life’, a philosophy that took him to the jungles of Africa, where he healed many and touched the lives of millions worldwide.
Albert Schweitzer, born on January 14, 1875 in Alsace, Germany (now a part of France), was the son of a Lutheran minister and member of a family of ministers, scholars and musicians, which included a famous cousin, Jean-Paul Sartre. As a child, Schweitzer played the organ and piano, and was only nine when he first performed at his father’s church. His musical talent earned him international recognition. Although he dedicated his life to the healing profession, he continued to perform as an organist throughout his life, even publishing a book on organ construction and a biography on Bach.
In 1893, Schweitzer enrolled at the University of Strasbourg. He received a doctorate in philosophy in 1899 and a teaching degree in theology the following year. Following in the footsteps of h