Rajiv malhotra biography books pdf
Rajiv Malhotra was trained initially as a Physicist, and then as a Computer Scientist specializing in AI in the 1970s. After a successful corporate career in the US, he became an entrepreneur and founded and ran several IT companies in 20 countries. Since the early 1990s, as the founder of his non-profit Infinity Foundation (Princeton, USA), he has been researching civilizations and their engagement with technology from a historical, social sciences and mind sciences perspective. He has authored several best-selling books. Infinity Foundation has also published a 14-volume series on the History of Indian Science & Technology. His latest book on AI is titled, “Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Power: 5 Battlegrounds”, in which India is the case study to analyze the impact of AI in a variety of domains. He founded Infinity Foundation in Princeton (USA) for this purpose in 1994 and has been its founder-director since inception. Rajiv has conducted original research in a variety of fields and has influenced many thinkers worldwide. He has disrupted the mainstream thought process among academic and non-academic intellectuals alike by providing fresh provocative positions on Dharma and on India. Some of the focal points of his work are: Interpretation of Dharma for the c
Babaji Satya Narayana Dasa, PhD, is a Vaishnava scholar and practitioner. He holds five post graduate degrees: a doctorate degree and a masters degree in Sanskrit, a law degree, and a masters and undergraduate degree in Engineering (IIT, Delhi). He is the author of 15 books related to Indian culture and philosophy. Babaji has been published in The Journal of Hindu Studies as well asThe Journal of Vaishnava Studies. He is a contributing author to two books, Krishna, and Free Will, Agency, and Selfhood in Indian Philosophy, (OUP). He has also contributed to a 26-volume series published by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
Dr Dasa is the founder of Jiva Institute of Vedic Studies to promote Vedic culture, philosophy, and Ayurveda through education. He has initiated a program for preservation, translation, and publication of ancient Indian works of science and wisdom and serves as a visiting professor at the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers, and American Hindu University. He was honored by the late president of India, Dr Pranab Mukherjee, for his extraordinary contribution in presenting Vedic culture worldwide.
The Battle Intend Sanskrit - Rajiv Malhotra - Part1
The Battle Intend Sanskrit - Rajiv Malhotra - Part1