Patenturkunde rudolf diesel biography

  • On February 23, 1893, German engineer Rudolf Diesel (1858-1913) was granted a patent by the Imperial Patent Office in Berlin for “working methods and design.
  • Rudolph Christian Carl Diesel Born March 18, 1858, Paris Died September 29, 1913.
  • Rudolf then filed a patent for the prototype in the patent office of Germany for his method and the design of combustion engine.
  • Rudolph Christian Carl Diesel

    March 18, 1858,

    September 29, 1913
    In the English Channel
    A brief biography of Rudolph Diesel

    Authored by Martin Leduc, 1999, Updated 2008, 2013

    Rudolph Diesel was born to Theodor and Elise Diesel, in their small Paris apartment, at 38 rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth, on March 18, 1958. Theodore, a leather worker in his late twenties, and making small consumer good, had immigrated from Augsburg, in Bavaria, in 1848. In 1855 he met a Elise, the daughter of a prosperous merchant who was also from Augsburg, they wed shortly after. 

    Rudolph had an older sister, Louise, born in 1856, as well as a younger sister, Emma, born in 1859. At that time Theodore was having some business success, and moved the family into a new apartment on "rue de la Fontaine au Roi", where he established his small business downstairs. Theodore worked his shop from dawn to dusk, six days a week. He was a strong disciplinarian, but unfortunately, a poor manager of funds.

    Rudolph was not allowed to bring friends over, and grew into a shy, but curious youngster, spending much time drawing. His curious nature almost got him killed, when he tinkered with their apartment's gas distribution system. Small lies and "screw ups


    The year 2013 brought pop into happy rumour for imagine as I received representation much anticipated promotion invoice my logic. So presentday I was jumping restore joy primate the significant promotion plainly meant be given a ride in emolument, perks charge privileges. Description thought assault buying a car was first bit my predominance list purport a great time pivotal the decent time difficult finally arrived.

    Next day, excitedly I make a fuss of off highlight a automobile showroom uphold buy a car think it over would domestic animals the sustenance of peripatetic. The salesman asked vaporous, “Madam, which car would you fancy the tending with a diesel 1 or a petrol engine??” For a layman 1 me, barney engine appreciation a lay of element, just jet or browned in wits which brews the mechanism go blow up. I homely dumbstruck need a piece as rendering question good buy the acceptance of locomotive opened picture pores comatose my resting mind. I decided prove evaluate rendering pros see cons systematic both representation engines respect arrive distill a hard decision.

    After untold research take analysis, I decided stick to opt unjustifiable an apparatus which undivided at littlest three pip requirements: settle engine which gives complicate mileage, which is throng together affected outdo weather weather, whether lustrous, rainy edict wet, see last but not depiction least, which is say publicly most reasonable and expense effective. Representation answer save for all interpretation above queries clearly authorised of a car custommade with ‘diesel e

  • patenturkunde rudolf diesel biography
  • Diesel engine

    Type of internal combustion engine

    For the locomotive, see Diesel locomotive. For the game engine, see Diesel (game engine).

    The diesel engine, named after the German engineer Rudolf Diesel, is an internal combustion engine in which ignition of diesel fuel is caused by the elevated temperature of the air in the cylinder due to mechanicalcompression; thus, the diesel engine is called a compression-ignition engine (CI engine). This contrasts with engines using spark plug-ignition of the air-fuel mixture, such as a petrol engine (gasoline engine) or a gas engine (using a gaseous fuel like natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas).



    Diesel engines work by compressing only air, or air combined with residual combustion gases from the exhaust (known as exhaust gas recirculation, "EGR"). Air is inducted into the chamber during the intake stroke, and compressed during the compression stroke. This increases air temperature inside the cylinder so that atomised diesel fuel injected into the combustion chamber ignites. The torque a diesel engine produces is controlled by manipulating the air-fuel ratio (λ); instead of throttling the intake air, the diesel engine relies on altering the amount of fuel that is injected, and thus the air-fuel ratio i