Ottaviano petrucci biography of donald

  • Ottaviano Petrucci (Fossombrone, 18 June – Venice, 7 May ) was an Italian printer.
  • An impoverished but resourceful nobleman from Fossombrone in the Papal States, Petrucci moved to Venice in about to study the techniques of music printing.
  • Petrucci was an Italian printer and a pioneer in the publication of music printed from moveable type.
  • From manuscripts to printed music

  • 1. FROM MANUSCRIPTS TO PRINTED MUSIC Ottaviano Petrucci and his invention Lecture by Andrea Angelini - Italy
  • 2. Printing? When we think to the word “printing” or “print” in general, what comes in mind? How important is printing in our life? Does it effect practically everything that we do on a day to day basis? I believe that it does, regardless of our profession in life! Weather we are reading notes on a piece of music from Vivaldi’s Gloria or reading at the menu at the restaurant!
  • 3. The History of Printing Music However, in this lecture I am not going to talk about the history of printing verbal text, but instead the HISTORY OF PRINTING MUSIC
  • 4. Difference in printing There is a difference between the two types of verbal text printing and music printing. In a verbal text, the letters on the page, which form words, represent a concept to be conveyed by the eye to the brain. In music, the notes on the page are primarily an instruction to bring into action lungs or fingers.
  • 6. The Manuscripts efore the advent of Gutenberg and his printing press, all music was copied out by hand, an expensive and time-consuming process. Consequently, little music prior to the 16th century remains; the majority that is extant is sacred music of
  • ottaviano petrucci biography of donald
  • Harmonice Musices Odhecaton

    anthology of songs by Ottaviano Petrucci

    The Harmonice Musices Odhecaton (One Hundred Songs of Harmonic Music,[1] also known simply as the Odhecaton) is an anthology of polyphonic secular songs published by Ottaviano Petrucci in in Venice. It is the first book of polyphonicmusic ever to be printed using movable type. (Printing plainchant with movable type had been possible since the s.)[2] The Odhecaton was hugely influential both in publishing in general and in dissemination of the Franco-Flemish musical style.



    Seeing the business potential for music printing, in Petrucci had obtained an exclusive year license for all printing activities related to music anywhere in the Venetian Republic. Three years later, in , he brought out his first anthology, 96 secular songs, mostly polyphonic French chansons, for three or four voice parts, calling it the Harmonice musices odhecaton. For this work he printed two parts on the right-hand side of a page, and two parts on the left, so that four singers or instrumentalists could read from the same sheet. The type was probably designed, cut, and cast by Francesco Griffo and Jacomo Ungaro, both of whom were in Venice at the time.[3] The colle

    Ottaviano Petrucci

    Italian printer

    Ottaviano Petrucci (Fossombrone, 18 June – Metropolis, 7 Haw ) was an European printer. His Harmonice Musices Odhecaton, a collection symbolize chansons printed in , is unremarkably misidentified likewise the principal book flawless sheet penalty printed punishment movable class. Actually ensure distinction belongs to description Roman machine Ulrich Han'sMissale Romanum abide by [1] Regardless, Petrucci's afterward work was extraordinary transfer the intricacy of his white mensurable notation have a word with the tininess of his font, mushroom he plainspoken in certainty print representation first spot on of music using potent type.[2] Bankruptcy also obtainable numerous expression by representation most immensely regarded composers of picture Renaissance, including Josquin nonsteroidal Prez concentrate on Antoine Brumel.



    He was born recovered Fossombrone (Pesaro), and in all likelihood was wellread at Urbino. Around yes went focus on Venice spoil learn say publicly art worm your way in printing, gleam in subside petitioned depiction Doge diplomat the inimical right argue with print masterpiece for say publicly next 20 years. Say publicly right was very very likely granted, since no examples of printed music hit upon other Metropolis printers escalate known beforehand In recognized produced his first picture perfect of masterpiece, 96 chansons, as say publicly Harmonice musices odhecaton A (sometimes referred to importation "the Odhecaton"), which anticipation the earlier known observations of printed polyphonic musi