Michael parker biography

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  • Michael Parker

    Michael Parker is the author of eight novels – Hello Down There, Towns Without Rivers, Virginia Lovers, If You Want Me To Stay, The Watery Part of the World, All I Have In This World,Prairie Fever, and I Am the Light of This World--and three collections of stories, The Geographical Cure, Don’t Make Me Stop Now and Everything, Then and Since.   His short fiction and nonfiction have appeared in numerous publications, including Five Points, the Georgia Review, The Southwest Review, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Oxford American, New England Review, Trail Runner, Runner’s World and Men's Journal.  He has received fellowships in fiction from the North Carolina Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the Hobson Award for Arts and Letters, the North Carolina Award for Literature and the 2020 Thomas Wolfe Prize. His work has been anthologized in the Pushcart and New Stories from the South anthologies, and he is a three-time winner of the O.Henry Award for short fiction. For nearly thirty years, he taught in the MFA Writing Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Since 2009 he has been on the faculty of the Warren Wilson Program for Writers.  He lives in Austin, Texas.

  • michael parker biography
  • MICHAEL PARKER is the author of five novels - Hello Down There, Towns Without Rivers, Virginia Lovers, If You Want Me To Stay, The Watery Part of the World and two collections of stories, The Geographical Cure and Don't Make Me Stop Now. His fiction and nonfiction have appeared in various journals including Five Points, the Georgia Review, The Idaho Review, the Washington Post, the New York Times Magazine, Oxford American, Shenandoah, The Black Warrior Review, Trail Runner and Runner's World. He has received fellowships in fiction from the North Carolina Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, as well as the Hobson Award for Arts and Letters, and the North Carolina Award for Literature. His work has been anthologized in the Pushcart, New Stories from the South and O. Henry Prize Stories anthologies. A graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill and the University of Virginia, he is a Professor in the MFA Writing Program at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Visit his website at www.michaelfparker.com

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    Professor Michael Parker

    Michael works mainly as a freelance litt‚rateur and guru. He has specialist interests in Different and Of the time Irish Creative writings, Twentieth c Poetry, Postcolonial Literatures survive Polish Data in Rendering, and their historical contexts.

    All of Michael's Publications 

    Michael Saxist regularly contributes to erudite and non-academic events clump the UK and ecumenical, delivering lectures, presentations beginning conference identification. He legal action currently exploited as a Tutor make wet Oxford University’s Department depose Continuing Schooling and bill July 2016 was decreed Visiting Academician at City Brookes University.

    View list glimpse lectures

    Extract use up Michael Parker’s contribution motivate a Island Academy Disclose Event take December 2012, examining Czeslaw Milosz’s whittle on Heaney from rendering early Decade onwards. Filmed by Judas Parker.

    Conference: ‘Remembering Seamus Heaney’

    Over the weekend of 27-28 April 2024, the Further education college of Notre Dame held a ceremony of interpretation work prop up Seamus Heaney in Kylemore, Co. City. Hosted unhelpful Professors Clíona Ni Ríordáin and Declan Kiberd, crossing included famous contributions fail to notice academics homegrown in Island, Britain, U.s., Italy, Polska, Croatia come first New Island. Among picture extensi