Manolin y shilinsky ja ja ja

  • Manolín Y Shilinsky Con El Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán – Y Al Cabo Y Que / Las Enchiladas ; Format: Shellac, 10", 78 RPM, Single ; Country: US ; Genre: Latin.
  • Related tracks ; Eduardo Brandalessi - Manolin y Shilinsky (Original Mix).
  • Eduardo Brandalessi - Manolin y Shilinsky (Original Mix).
  • Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho: The Journey of a Mexican Regional Music 9781477325575

    Citation preview

    Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho

    Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long Series in Latin American and Latino Art and Culture

    Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho The Journey of a Mexican Regional Music Yolanda BroYles- González, rafael fiGueroa Hernández, and francisco González

    University of Texas Press


    Copyright © 2022 by the University of Texas Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America First edition, 2022 Requests for permission to reproduce material from this work should be sent to: Permissions University of Texas Press P.O. Box 7819 Austin, TX 78713-7819 /rp-form ♾ The paper used in this book meets the minimum requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (R1997) (Permanence of Paper).

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Broyles-González, Yolanda, 1949– author. | Figueroa Hernández, Rafael, 1959– author. | González, Francisco (Harpist), author. Title: Mario Barradas and Son Jarocho : the journey of a Mexican regional music / Yolanda Broyles-González, Rafael Figueroa Hernández, and Francisco González. Other titles: Joe R. and Teresa Lozano Long series in Latin American and Latino art and culture. Desc

    Volumen II

    Encyclopedic Discography of Cuban Music 1925-1960

    Cristóbal Díaz-Ayala


    The Discography is organized in alphabetical order by performer. A performer can be a singer, a soloist or a group of musicians, from a duo to a symphony orchestra. The discography includes:

    This work is a continuation of Cuba Canta y Baila: Discografía de la Música Cubana, Vol. I, 1898-1925 (Cuba Sings and Dances: A Discography of Cuban Music, Vol. I, 1898-1925). This volume, published in 1994, and its selected chronology reflected a period from the beginning of acoustical commercial recordings, that is, without any kind of "electrical" intervention, to the last recordings done under this system in the fall of 1925, when electrical recordings began.
    Our work documented some 3,800 recordings done in that period, with chapters organized according to genre (danzón, son, trova, música guajira, musical theater, etc.). Within each chapter, it was broken down by performer, as will be the case in this new discography, which builds on the previous one.

    Since many performers were conversant with more than one genre, especially after 1925, it was no longer practical to continue separating the music by genre, and in the current work we will abandon this approach.

    Those performers

  • manolin y shilinsky ja ja ja
  • Artists

    Martinez, Eusebio

    Martinez, Eusebio

    0 6 0
    Sanchéz, Tommy

    Sanchéz, Tommy

    0 1 0
    Manjarrez, Rafael

    Manjarrez, Rafael

    0 1 0
    Santiago, Angel

    City, Angel

    0 1 0
    Maldonado, Taty

    Maldonado, Taty

    0 1 0
    Montaño, Esteban

    Montaño, Esteban

    0 1 0
    Reyes Dutari, Ricardo

    Reyes Dutari, Ricardo

    0 1 0
    Sanchéz, Gabby

    Sanchéz, Gabby

    0 2 0
    Mejia Bustos, José

    Mejia Bustos, José

    0 1 0 0 5 0 0 1 0
    Freyre, R. - Solano, J.

    Freyre, R. - Solano, J.

    0 1 0 0 2 0
    Minjarez, Angel

    Minjarez, Angel

    0 2 0
    Mier, M. Jesus

    Mier, M. Jesus

    0 1 0
    Medina, José F.

    Medina, José F.

    0 8 0
    Flores, John E.

    Flores, Trick E.

    0 1 0
    Mitchell, C. - Davis, J.

    Mitchell, C. - Actress, J.

    0 1 0
    Manolin - Shilinsky

    Manolin - Shilinsky

    0 2 0
    Bautista Monterde, B. - Calero...

    Bautista Monterde, B. - Calero, A. O.

    0 1 0
    Romeu, Antonio Ma.

    Romeu, Antonio Ma.

    0 6 0
    Franco, Refugio

    Dictator, Refugio

    0 1 0
    Sanchéz, Lobo

    Sanchéz, Lobo

    0 1 0
    Sepulveda - Gutierrez
