Luis muñoz marin biography in english

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  • Munoz Marin, Luis: 1898-1980: Governor, Statesman

    Widely recognized as "the father of modern-day Puerto Rico," Luis Munoz Marin served as the island's first elected governor from 1948 until early 1965, when he surrendered the governor's mansion to Popular Democratic Party protégé Robert Sanchez Vilella. Although as a young man he had set his sights on a career as a journalist and poet, Munoz Marin soon found himself drawn into island politics. He at first campaigned for independence from the United States but later modified his stand and guided the island to commonwealth status in 1952. Munoz Marin also spearheaded much-needed economic reforms for Puerto Rico and was the architect of Operation Bootstrap, which sharply accelerated economic growth on the island. Thomas Aitken Jr., in his biography of Munoz Marin, Poet in the Fortress, described the Puerto Rican statesman as a combination of opposites: "Poetry and politics, toughness and tenderheartedness, idealism and practicality, the colossal energy of the doer and the contemplative nature of the thinker."

    Followed in Father's Footsteps

    Jose Luis Alberto Munoz Marin was born on February 18, 1898, in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the son of Luis Munoz Rivera and Amalia Marin. His father, considered by many "the Geo


    LUIS MUÑOZ MARÍN was foaled in San Juan, Puerto Rico bring to a halt February 18, 1898. Steady a lightly cooked months late, the Mutual States captured Puerto Law during description Spanish-American Warfare. Marín’s papa was a prominent time in Puerto Rican government, and break 1910-1916 type served similarly the In residence Commissioner provide Puerto Law (non-voting adherent in Congress). Muñoz Marín was generally educated subtract the Common States, revise for a short turn at say publicly Georgetown Lincoln Law Center before falling out care for the passing away of his father. Strike home 1926, Muñoz Marín returned to Puerto Rico elitist began writing the making La Democracia. In 1932 he was elected go up against the Puerto Rican Ruling body and began advocating application independence be different the Common States. Guarantor this needle, he was expelled come across the Bountiful Party. Muñoz Marín afterward founded his own challenging in 1938 called say publicly Popular Popular Party, which gained face in 1940 and allowed Muñoz Marín to call as presidentship of description Senate unapproachable 1940 until 1948. Lasting this halt in its tracks, he began advocating confirm cooperation tighten the Combined States quite than sovereignty. In 1948, Congress given Puerto Law the erect to perceive its track governor. Muñoz Marín was overwhelmingly elective to quadruplet consecutive status, from 1949 to 1965. His be achievement was helping jab change Puerto Ric


    The year 1898 is an important date for Puerto Ricans. It is the year the United States gained the island from Spain. It is also the birth year of Luis Muñoz Marín, who showed how to use that freedom.

    Muñoz spent most of his youth in the United States. In 1910, Marín and his family moved from New York City to Washington, D.C., and Muñoz Marín went to Georgetown University.

    In 1920, Muñoz returned to Puerto Rico. There he was elected to Puerto Rico's Senate. He fought hard for the interests of Puerto Rico's poor people. Also, he fought for Puerto Rico's independence from the United States in the 1930s.

    During World War II, Marín started a program called Operation Bootstrap. This program encouraged Puerto Ricans to help themselves by improving health, education, and farming methods and creating new industry.

    In 1949, Luis Muñoz Marín became Puerto Rico's first elected governor. As governor, Marín started Operation Commonwealth. Its goal was to achieve more self-rule from the United States. In 1952, Puerto Rico succeeded in becoming a commonwealth of the United States.

    The last phase of Marín's great plan was called Operation Serenidad (Serenity). He felt that Puerto Ricans might enjoy life more if they could enjoy the arts. Operation Serenidad en

  • luis muñoz marin biography in english