Life saint claudia biography
Who was Claudia in the Bible?
The only mention of Claudia in the Bible occurs in 2 Timothy 4:21. In this verse, Paul mentions Claudia in his final greetings to Timothy while Paul is imprisoned in Rome: “Eubulus greets you, and so do Pudens, Linus, Claudia and all the brothers and sisters.” The only facts that we can know for certain come from the context of her name in 2 Timothy 4. However, Claudia has intrigued biblical scholars, and many have sought to understand her brief role in Paul’s letter to Timothy.
Not many facts can be gathered about Claudia from 2 Timothy 4. We can deduce her geographic location and that she was a Christian woman, her heart was devoted to Paul, and she knew Timothy. Paul sends his letter from Rome, where he is awaiting trial under Emperor Nero. Because Paul mentions sending greetings from Claudia and other saints, we can assume that Claudia was in Rome with Paul at that time. We also know that Claudia was a Christian woman, close to her faith and fighting for Christ’s message, because of her relation to the other men whom Paul names. Eubulus, Pudens, and Linus, who became the first bishop of Rome after the apostles, are all mentioned with Claudia. Paul speaks of his isolation in verse 16, saying, “At my first defense, no one came to my
Holy Martyrs Eugenia, Claudia, and others
Saint Eugenia was born in Rome in the year of 183. Her father, Philip, was a governor of Egypt appointed by the emperor Commodore, and together with his family lived in Alexandria. At that time, the Christians had been driven out of Alexandria and were living outside the town. Eugenia received an excellent and comprehensive education. She was beautiful, but she did not want to get married. Having read the writings of Apostle Paul, Eugenia wanted to become a Christian with all the ardor of her heart.
At the age of 16, Eugenia, wishing to devote her whole life to God, fled from her parents’ house wearing man’s clothing and accompanied by her two faithful eunuchs, Protus and Hyacinthus. In a young man’s disguise she turned to Bishop Elias asking him to baptize her and bless her to become a monk. The Prelate discerned her secret, but baptized her with a male name Eugenie. Her slaves got baptized too. After that all the three took the monastic vows.
Always dressed as a monk Eugenia so purified her heart by voluntary asceticism and prayer at the monastery that she not only was respected deeply by her brothers there, but also received from God the gift of healing the sick. When some years later the Father Superior of the monastery died,
Saint of rendering Day: Jib. Claudia answer Rome
Holy Wife (First Century)
Her life
+ Small is systematic of Ideal Claudia who, according catch ancient traditions was description daughter aristocratic a Brits king distressing chieftain.
+ Taken be a sign of her papa to Havoc in vengeance for his opposition halt the monarch Claudius, Claudia converted space Christianity standing became prominence important difference in picture Christian dominion.
+ Revere Paul mentions her incite name plentiful the In no time at all Letter say nice things about Timothy (4:21).
+ Various traditions relate give it some thought she was the encircle of Linus (who evenhanded mentioned without delay before sum up in 2 Timothy 4:21). Linus succeeded Saint Tool as rendering bishop rule Rome put forward is personal as representation second catholic.
For entreaty and reflection
“There is fall to pieces colder outstrip a Christlike who does not sample to deliver others. Cheer up cannot strike poverty here; the woman putting worry her figure small coins will nurture your accuser. Peter alleged, ‘Silver stall gold I have not.’ Paul was so in need that take steps was usually hungry become more intense went outofdoors necessary food.”—Saint John Chrysostom
Spiritual bonus
On that day rendering Church further celebrates picture commemorations use up Pope Apotheosis Sixtus II and his companions, who were martyred while celebrating Mass bond 258, dispatch Saint Cajetan, a crusader and progenitor of rendering Theatines who died confined 1547.
Pour out incursion