Jfk assassination conspiracy evidence

  • The assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, has spawned numerous conspiracy theories.
  • Theories that attempted to tie the assassination and Oswald to anti-Castro groups who were angry at Kennedy for his decision to withhold US military support.
  • Two days after Kennedy was killed, nightclub owner Jack Ruby fatally shot Oswald during a jail transfer.
  • Findings

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      What are the main conspiracy theories about JFK's assassination?

      Conspiracy theorists will be eagerly waiting to pour over thousands of classified files on former US president John F Kennedy's assassination after Donald Trump signed an executive order to release them.

      "That's a big one, huh? A lot of people have been waiting for this for years, for decades," Mr Trump said as he signed the order.

      Some critics - including JFK's grandson - have condemned the move, suggesting the president is using the notorious 1963 killing as a "political prop".

      Whatever his motives, the president is right; people have waited decades to learn more about the shooting of Kennedy.

      Conspiracy theories have flourished in the decades since his death - ranging from the potentially plausible to the outlandish.

      But what is the official explanation and what are some of the more well-known theories?

      The official story: Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone

      Kennedy was shot in downtown Dallas on 22 November 1963, as his motorcade passed the Texas School Book Depository building.

      Former marine Lee Harvey Oswald, 24, had positioned himself from a sniper's perch on the sixth floor of the building and fired multiple shots, killing the president, according to the official story.

      Two days after Ke

      Robert F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories

      There are several non-standard accounts of Robert F. Kennedy's assassination, which took place shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles, California. Kennedywas assassinated at the Ambassador Hotel, during celebrations following his successful campaign in California's primary elections as a leading 1968 Democratic presidential candidate; he died the following day at Good Samaritan Hospital.

      The man convicted of the murder is Sirhan Sirhan, who remains incarcerated in Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility for the crime. However, as with his brother John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963, Robert Kennedy's assassination and the circumstances surrounding it have spawned various conspiracy theories, particularly regarding the existence of a second gunman.[1] Such theories have also centered on a woman wearing a polka-dot dress claiming responsibility for the crime, and the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency.

      Many of these theories were examined during an investigation ordered by the United States Senate and were judged to be erroneous by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which investigated on the Senate's behalf.

      Second gunman theory




      The location of Ke

    • jfk assassination conspiracy evidence