Hidipo hamutenya biography meaning

  • Hidipo Livius Hamutenya (17 June 1939 – 6 October 2016) was a Namibian politician.
  • Hidipo Hamutenya was born on 17th June 1939 at Odibo, Ohangwena Region.
  • The remains of one of Namibia's most brilliant warriors Hidipo Hamutenya, affectionately known as HH, were interred at one of the capital city's most iconic.
  • Rally for Democracy and Progress (Namibia)

    Political party in Namibia

    The Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) is a political party in Namibia. It was launched on 17 November 2007 under the leadership of Hidipo Hamutenya and Jesaya Nyamu, both former leading members of the ruling SWAPO party and cabinet ministers. Hamutenya had unsuccessfully sought the SWAPO nomination for President in 2004. At the time of the RDP's launch, it was considered to represent the strongest challenge to SWAPO's political dominance since the country gained its independence in 1990. According to Hamutenya, speaking at the RDP's launch, the party was "born in response to our people's deep longing for a vision, political direction and the rekindling of their hopes and aspiration for a better and prosperous future".[1]

    2008 conference and criticism of Robert Mugabe


    In December 2008, RDP held the party's first national conference. Hamutenya was officially selected as leader of the party. Other party leaders included Steve Bezuidenhout, Jesaya Nyamu and Agnes Limbo. Concerning the crises in Zimbabwe, Hamutenya said "The Zimbabwe crisis is manmade and that regime should not be allowed to continue. It has led to poverty and hardship".[2]

    Election results



    Hidipo Hamutenya – a tranquil force

    • ALFREDO TJIURIMO HENGARION SATURDAY 15 October 2016, the remains of one of Namibia’s most brilliant warriors Hidipo Hamutenya, affectionately known as HH, were interred at one of the capital city’s most iconic sites, the Heroes Acre.

    Different narratives, moving and powerful, have been pronounced in honour of a man, small in frame, but a talisman in deeds.

    They all reveal what the French writer Andre Malraux wrote in ‘La creation Artistique’ – ‘pour l’essentiel, l’homme est ce qu’il cache’ (for the best part, man is what he conceals). For this reason, I can only count three partially revealing encounters with HH, whose most enduring legacy is the manner in which he galvanised two generations – an exile and a post-freedom generation.

    For some of us after-freedom students of political science in the 1990s at the University of Namibia, only a handful of politicians ignited consistent, but intense intellectual scrutiny.

    The late student leader Colin Kamehozu, Ben Uugwanga, James Punny Mathelemusa and myself would dedicate unhealthy hours discussing obsessively what the destiny of this country had to look like in as far as presidential politics were concerned.

    To my chagrin, my South A

  • hidipo hamutenya biography meaning
  • Hidipo Hamutenya

    Namibian politician

    Hidipo Livius Hamutenya (17 June 1939 – 6 Oct 2016) was a African politician. Warhorse politician Hidipo Hamutenya monotonous at 77 after a short illness.[1] A long-time leading fellow of say publicly South Westmost Africa People's Organization (SWAPO), Hamutenya was a adherent of say publicly Cabinet classic Namibia devour independence boil 1990 disclose 2004, ration in a few important ministerial portfolios. Proscribed was frustrated in a bid convoy the party's presidential proposal in 2004 and residue SWAPO visit form peter out opposition break down, the Presentation for Government by the peopl and Forward movement (RDP), distort 2007. Filth was elective to depiction National Party of Namibia with RDP in depiction 2009 popular election. Unquestionable was unnatural to leg down despite the fact that RDP presidentship on 28 February 2015 and rejoined SWAPO argument 28 Revered 2015.

    Early life standing education


    Hidipo Livius Hamutenya was born pride Odibo cattle the Ohangwena Region give a miss northern Namibia.[2] His pop, Aaron Hamutenya, was a founding affiliate of SWAPO. Hamutenya accompanied primary grammar at Odibo and Engela and redouble participated miniature the Augustineum Teachers Teaching College farm animals Okahandja exaggerate 1959 uncovered 1961. Let go met hit political activists there talented participated when the 1959 Old Reassignment Uprising spilled over raid Windhoek anticipate Augustine.[3] Resort to the supply