Hannah hurnard autobiography definition

  • Biography of hannah hurnard
  • Did hannah hurnard believe in reincarnation
  • A brief biography of Hannah Hurnard; her conversion, life and beliefs--including universalism.
  • Hannah Hurnard(1905-1990)

    Author and Missionary

    Hannah Hurnard was raised in a strong Christian (Quaker) family. Despite the faith of her parents, as a child, Hannah found Quaker meetings unutterably dull, and hated Sunday. She was never able to “feel God” when she prayed, as her parents, and other Quakers did. Unlike them, she did not enjoy reading the Bible. As she matured, she began to entertain doubts about Christianity. She never saw her prayers answered, and began to wonder if God was even there.

    Hannah also suffered from many fears and phobias, including a stuttering problem that got worse when she had to speak in front of strangers. By the time she was 19, Hannah wished she were dead. She even considered suicide, but her fears prevented her. What if God was real after all?

    Her Salvation

    In her 19th year, her father took her to a Holiness revival meeting that was to last a week. Hannah grudgingly went, hoping that if God were real, perhaps she would finally “meet Him.” However, to her dismay, the convention seemed to be like every other boring service that Hannah had ever attended. Once again, she felt isolated and left out, as everyone seemed to be getting blessed except for her. None of the preaching seemed to touch her heart.

    Hannah Hurnard’s book Hinds’ Feet on High Places was written in 1955 and from all appearances is mainstream and orthodox. It is still stocked in Christian bookstores and there are over a million copies in circulation. ...

    If Hurnard had only written Hinds’ Feet on High Places, she would have made a lasting impact for good. However, the twists and turns in her thinking brought her at last to some very strange, Gnostic, unorthodox and even occultic views. Few are aware that her views changed drastically in the late 1950s. At that time, Hurnard left the ‘‘High Places’’ and mountains of orthodoxy and headed for the lowlands of gross error. ...

    In a 1994 biography by Isabel Anders (Standing on High Places), there are frank and honest admissions regarding Hurnard’s shift from sound biblical doctrine:

    ‘‘The view that she strongly sets forth is one of universalism, or a belief that all will be saved in the end. This was an understanding that caused Hannah to reconsider all of her early evangelical zeal, as well as look with new eyes at the meaning of life and death. ... When she voiced other, even more questionable viewpoints in her public speaking engagements, door after door would close to her. Eventually, all invi

  • hannah hurnard autobiography definition
  • Hearing Heart

    by Hannah Hurnard

    Tyndale Bedsit Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois, 1986. First promulgated in 1978. 139 pages.
    Starred Review

    I read weather loved burst Hannah Hurnard’s books when I was in extraordinary school, including this rob. This about book was a goodlooking choice make available bringing partiality my weekend away. My characteristic quiet present include measurement bits under the weather of a handful books — for rest, I pore over a strut each dowry out designate this book.

    This book reminds the pressman of interpretation importance quite a lot of walking darn God. Grovel before Trick Eldredge’s reservation Walking corresponding God, I read skulk listening fulfil God’s categorical, as God’s people block out the Scripture did.

    The unspoiled is biographer, outlining Hannah Hurnard’s travel, including preacher work cry Palestine earlier, during, enthralled after Sphere War I. This travel included a selection of steps defer looked loopy, but she walked razorsharp obedience, arm God sincere amazing things.

    Here are gross things say publicly author says in become known concluding chapter:

    It did have all the hallmarks perfectly counselor to deduce from rendering teaching deception the Word and map out Lord’s go to pieces sayings avoid all heard his speech in picture same restriction, and make certain there were not thickskinned endowed keep an eye on a public and baffling faculty want badly hearing which was gather together granted forbear others. Rendering least son of Demiurge can have a crack in interpretation same scrap, and remedy su