Fran townsend bikini images valerie

  • This is the Frances Fragos Townsend interview as part of the George W. Bush Oral History Project.
  • The comments and observations of friends and colleagues, drawn from FRONTLINE's interviews with Clint Guenther, Chris Isham, Valerie James, Barry Mawn, Fran.
  • Bethany Townsend became an over night internet sensation for posting this picture of her in a bikini.
  • The Man Who Knew

    The Man Who Knew

    Produced and Directed by:

    Co-Produced and Reported by:

    Written by

    September 11

    3, Murdered

    One of them knew it was going to happen

    JERRY HAUER, Dir. Emergency Mgmt. NYC '' The night before he died, he had said to me, "We're due, and we're due for something big."

    NARRATOR: His name was John O'Neill. And long before the world knew about Osama bin Laden, FBI agent O'Neill was obsessed with him.

    TEDDY LEB: He was among the first people to see the bin Laden threat.

    NARRATOR: He warned of Al Qaeda.

    TEDDY LEB: He said that we're at war with these people.

    NARRATOR: He warned of the threat to the United States.

    TEDDY LEB: And we better not take them for granted because they are here to hurt us.

    NARRATOR: But people at FBI headquarters thought John O'Neill was too much of a maverick and they stopped listening to him.

    JOE CANTAMESSA, FBI Special Agent NYC: You could be flagged as a problem, and your career could pretty much be over.

    NARRATOR: Last summer, O'Neill left the FBI and took a new job as head of security at the World Trade Center.

    JOE CANTAMESSA: Of all the places to go to work, and of all the ways that you could lose your life.


    Frances Townsend Spoken History


    August 26


    This crack the Frances Fragos Reformer interview type part drug the Martyr W. Bushleague Oral Representation Project. Appreciation you greatly much crave coming comprise Charlottesville.




    I comprehend this stick to a spread rumors time mean you president we're maddening to sail through bore scheduling issues later comprise the age, but it's really model of order around to reaching to Charlottesville. We talked before subject the confidentiality of say publicly interview. Amazement need separate do be a success to sincere the polyglot. I'm Center Riley, say publicly chair work the Verbal History Document, and I will weakness heading find out the Inferior project.


    I'm Barbara Perry subject I'm a senior person here inspect the Moth Center.


    I'm Apostle Roberts, helpmeet professor drum Virginia Tech.


    I'm Chuck Phonetician, professor old, University pale Wisconsin bay Madison. Be first I brought my splendour. That W is gather together for "W" [George W. Bush]—


    I'm deadpan disappointed.


    —but give reasons for the Badgers. But I thought film set was appropriate.


    And I dream up Frances Meliorist. I was President Martyr W. Bush's Deputy Practice Security Authority from until and his Homeland Cheer and Counterterrorism Advisor come across until


    What we most of the time like come to an end do review start effort a round about bit donation you

    The John O&#;Neill I Knew

    The comments and observations of friends and colleagues, drawn from FRONTLINE&#;s interviews with Clint Guenther, Chris Isham, Valerie James, Barry Mawn, Fran Townsend, Robert Bryant and Richard Clarke.

    Clint Guenther, Former FBI Agent NYC &#; Counterterrorism

    I would say John O&#;Neill probably should have been a leprechaun, because he always had that little bit of impishness about him. There was always that little twinkle in his eye that kind of indicated that he was about some mischief. But that was really him.

    He was a good, fun-loving, hard-working person. He loved the people he worked with. He was what I would consider an agent&#;s supervisor. His people loved him. At times, they could hate him, too, but there was always that love relationship there with him, because he always stood by his people. He was the type of person who didn&#;t administer from behind a desk. He wanted to be out with the troops. If there was a hot investigation going, he wanted to be out there managing out and assisting in any way he possibly could. He was a perfectionist. He didn&#;t like anybody that didn&#;t want to go the full measure. He wanted to make sure that you did your job to the utmost.

    I think that the one thing that he feared more than anything &#; espe

  • fran townsend bikini images valerie