Celestine onwuliri biography

  • Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri (17 February 1952 – 3 June 2012) was an.
  • Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri was an academician in the field of Parasitology.
  • Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri (17 February 1952 – 3 June 2012) was an academician in the field of Parasitology.
  • ONWULIRI, Prof. Celestine Onyemobi Elihe

    FBSN, FNSP, FCIDA, Ciao, KSJ, JP, B.Sc, Ph.D; univereity educator, administrator; b:February 17,1952; p: Umuolcazi Amuzi Ahiaro; Iga: Ahiazu-Mbaise; so: lmo;m: Professor. Viola Adaku; nc: fours, oned;ed: St.Jude's Catholic Grammar, Amuzi, 1963; Community Noncritical School, Amuzi, 1971; Immoral. Augustine's Grammar School, Nkwerre, Imo Position, 1971; Univereity ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1971-75; !977-8();UniversityofLeeds, England, 1978-79; cr ResearchCmicer(NYSC), Odeda Seek Farms, Holy orders ofAgriculture current Natural Reach an agreement, Abeokuta, Ogun State, 1975-76; Junior Individual, Zoology, Campus ofNigeria, Nsukka, 1976-80; Lector II, 1, Senior Professor, Zoology, Further education college ofJos, Tableland State, I980r81; 1981-84; 1984-88; Assoc. Prof., Zoology, 1988-91; Assoc. Professor (Part Time), Biological Principles, Federal Univereity ofTechnology, Yola, 1986-87; Professor. ofZoology, Imo State Univereity, (Sabbatical), 1993-94; Prof. ofZoology, University ofJos, since 1991; Visiting Academician, Nasarawa Rise and fall University, Keffi, 2002-06; Head, Dept. ofZoology, Univereity ofJos, 1990- 91; 1995-97; Histrion, Faculty ofNatural Sciences, 1991; 1994-95; 2000-04; Deputy Player, School ofPostgraduate Studies, Univereity ofJos, 1988-90; Deputy Error Chancellor, (Academic), Univereity ofJos, 2005-06; Hitch

    Celestine Onwuliri

    Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri (17, Fabrairu 1952 - 3, Yuni 2012) ƙwararren malami ne a fannin ilimin parasitology. Ya yi aiki a matsayin Mataimakin Shugaban Jami'ar FUTO na 5.[1] Ya kuma kasance Mukaddashin Shugaban Jami'ar Jos[2]

    Onwuliri ya yi aiki a wasu ayyuka kamar malamin jami'a da kuma mai girma kwamishinan.

    Ilimi da farkon rayuwa.

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri an haife shi a Umuokazi, Amuzi, Ahiazu Mbaise, jihar Imo, Najeriya.[3] Ya fuskanci farkon asarar iyayensa biyu: mahaifinsa, Adolpus, lokacin da yake ƙarami, da mahaifiyarsa, Rosanna, a lokacin ƙuruciyarsa.

    Ya yi karatun firamare a St. Jude's Catholic Primary School, Amuzi, sannan ya ci gaba da zuwa Community Secondary School, Amuzi. Onwuliri ya kammala karatunsa ne da kashi na 1 a jarrabawar kammala sakandare ta yammacin Afirka ( WASSCE ). Ya yi karatu mai zurfi a Jami'ar Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN). A 1975, ya sauke karatu da digiri na biyu na Upper Honors a Zoology

    Kokarin karatun Onwuliri ya kai shi ga kara karatu, ciki har da Ph.D. a Parasitology (1980) bayan shekara guda na horar da bincike a Jami'ar Leeds, United Kingdom.

    Nasarar Ilimi.

    [gyara sashe | gyara masomin]

    Celestine Onwuliri ta samu tallafin karatu n

    Celestine Onwuliri

    Nigerian academician

    Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri (17 February 1952 – 3 June 2012) was an academician in the field of Parasitology. He served as the 5th Vice Chancellor of the FUTO University.[1] He was also the Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Jos.[2]

    Onwuliri served in other capacities like a university professor and Honorable Commissioner.[3]

    Following his passing, the Graduate Theological Foundation established the Celestine O. E. Onwuliri Fellowship in Scientific Research and Human Values in his honor. The fellowship, based in the United States, reflects his impact on scientific research and the importance he placed on human values.[4][5]

    Education and early life


    Celestine Onyemobi Elihe Onwuliri was born in Umuokazi, Amuzi, Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo state, Nigeria. [6] He faced the early loss of both his parents: his father, Adolpus, when he was a toddler, and his mother, Rosanna, during his adolescence.[7]

    He completed his primary education at St. Jude's Catholic Primary School, Amuzi, and continued to Community Secondary School, Amuzi. Onwuliri graduated with a division 1 in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). He pursued high

  • celestine onwuliri biography