Bhagwan nityananda of ganeshpuri swami muktananda biography

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  • Muktananda

    Yoga guru who founded Siddha Yoga (–)

    Muktananda (16 May &#;– 2 October ), born Krishna Rai, was a yoga guru and the founder of Siddha Yoga.[1] He was a disciple of Bhagavan Nityananda.[2] He wrote books on the subjects of Kundalini Shakti, Vedanta, and Kashmir Shaivism, including a spiritual autobiography entitled The Play of Consciousness. In honorific style, he is often referred to as Swami Muktananda, or Baba Muktananda, or in a familiar way just Baba.



    Swami Muktananda was born in near Mangalore in Madras Presidency, British India, to a wealthy family.[4] His birth name was Krishna Rai.[5]

    At 15, he encountered Bhagawan Nityananda, a wandering avadhoot who profoundly changed his life.[5] After this encounter, Krishna left home and began his search for the experience of God.[6] He studied under Siddharudha Swami in Hubli, where he learned Sanskrit, Vedanta, and all branches of yoga. He received sannyasa initiation in the Sarasvati order of the Dashanami Sampradaya,[7] taking the name of Swami Muktananda. After Siddharudha's death, Muktananda left to study with a disciple of Siddharudha called Muppinarya Swami at his Sri Airani Holematt in Ranebennur Haveri

    Bhagawan Nityananda

    Bhagawan famous saint

    For regarding uses, give onto Nityananda (disambiguation).

    Bhagawan Nityananda (November/December, [1] &#; 8 Honorable ) was an Asian guru. His teachings systematize published get in touch with the "Chidakash Gita". Nityananda was whelped in Koyilandy (Pandalayini), State Presidency, Country India (now in Kozhikode district, Kerala).





    Details problem Bhagawan Nityananda's birth strengthen relatively nameless. According stopper his disciples, Nityananda was found translation an neglected infant ideal Tuneri commune, Koyilandy, Province Presidency, Nation India close to a mohammedan named Uniamma Nair, who was joined to Chathu Nair. Description Nair yoke adopted that child courier took bell of him along shrivel their stop trading five family tree. Nityananda was named similarly Raman preschooler his strengthen parents. Representation Nair pair were farmers, who further took distress of rendering farms notorious by a wealthy legal practitioner named Ishwar Iyer, who greatly trusty them.[2] Nityananda's foster pa died when he was three spell his broaden mother when he was six. Previously dying she handed hold her charge of Nityananda to Ishwar Iyer.[3]

    Spiritual life


    Even in boyhood, Bhagawan Nityananda seemed give a warning be emergence an strangely advanced churchly state, which gave render speechless to rendering belief renounce he was bor

  • bhagwan nityananda of ganeshpuri swami muktananda biography
  • Bhagawan Nityananda of Ganeshpuri

    July 9,

    Editor Sarah Scott wrote in the Preface to this book, “[This book] is a modern story of devotion in an ancient lineage of discipleship. Coming fourteen years after Swami Muktananda’s passing, these are his words, his thoughts, his offering of praise to his Guru, compiled from many sources, across many years. This book is comprised of three sections… Part One is the biography that Swami Muktananda first published in Hindi in , and then in English … in … What his Guru presented in such condensed form, Baba expands and illuminates with personal experiences and anecdotes in Parts Two and Three…

    “[H]e fulfills the desires of devotees who asked him: How did you meet your Guru? What was your spiritual practice like? Was it long? Was it difficult? How do his teachings relate to our lives? These and other such questions Baba answered as he traveled the world between and , sharing the teachings and practices of Siddha yoga Meditation with thousands of seekers…

    “The material is therefore woven together from many sources: an anecdote at a public program in Australia, an answer to a question in New York, a contemplation written in the silence of his study. Parts of the material were retrieved fr