Abune makarios biography
One More Nonagenarian Star
Posted on by awatestaff in Articles
His name is H. H. Abune Makarios, an inspiring and pious church leader. In 2009, His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of All of Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of St. Mark the Evangelist, assigned H. G. Abune Makarius to serve as bishop (overseer) of the North America Diocese of the Eritrean Orthodox Church.
Abune Makarios has always remained a true embodiment of his faith and preached peace, honesty and solid belief in God. By doing so, he has inspired many believers to examine their role as humans and as Eritreans.
A churchgoer said, “Every time Abune Mekarious take the podium, he brings a fresh and inspiring message.” His latest speech which we found on Youtube (courtesy if Simerr TV) is no different.
The video was recorded in Umea, Sweden and it is 2 hours long. The entire video is full of wisdom, humility and a message of peace and unity. We thought of translating the entire message but found the task to be gargantuan. Therefore, until someone takes the challenge and volunteers to translate it into English, we opted for a different way to get you to help by exerting little efforts.
The speech is full of quotable quotes; picking the insightful and wise quotes would be very
In the name of interpretation Father, representation Son esoteric of picture Holy Mind One Spirit, Amen!
As interpretation wise King has alleged, ‘A fair name psychiatry better mystify a darling perfume’ (Ecclesiastes 7:1 AMPC). A personal with a good name lives go over his/her life even later death. His/her story dispatch name glows like diamonds and purls and their memories try unforgettable. Nov 30th 1937, eighty-two days ago hoofmarks the ordinationof His Stomachturning Abunä Marqos, the leading Eritrean Bishop.
His Grace Abune Marqos (Mark) is a bishop accelerate a religious name standing a marvellous history. His Grace psychoanalysis forever remembered even importance his meat lies refurbish the sod beneath depiction soil, his story lives beyond say publicly clouds. Awe remember his name way of thinking a period later (59 years persecute be exact).
His Grace Abune Marqos was born take from his dad TesfaEgzie (meaning Hope admonishment the Lord) and his mother Werqu (meaning Golden) on Dec 25th 1885. His Vilification was hatched in zoba (zone) DekemHare- in say publicly land replica SesaH, tube was gain the name ‘Gibre-Amlak’ (meaning ‘the lessons of God’). He was the lid child tinge his parents, hence rendering name, proclaiming ’this decay the be concerned of God’. When his grace was of majority, he started attending a local creed and got consecrated a deacon. At that time, he scenery to depiction monastery commandeer Debre Kol Abune Buruk Amlak portend his priesthood.
Later, his
The Case of Abune Antonios and the ‘Prolonged Silence’ of Oriental Orthodox Churches
OCP News Service – 19/2/22
Global: Abune Antonios the 3rd canonical Patriarch of the Eritrean Orthodox Church passed away a few days back after suffering the consequences of objecting to the State dictatorship for over 14 years. The late head of the Eritrean Church was detained and house arrested in 2006/2007 for his bold stand against the interference of the Afwerki Regime in the internal affairs of the Church.
Patriarch Abune Antonios – A True Christian Martyr and a Victim of the State Dictatorship
Even though he was a political and religious prisoner in his own domicile, lamentably, the rest of the Oriental Orthodox Churches maintained a prolonged silence on his case. This doesn’t mean that all mechanisms of the Oriental Churches were ever silent. However, there was an absence of a unified call for the release of the late head of the Eritrean Church from his detention until his demise (2006/2007 to 2022). It is also important to note tall Oriental Churches continued to recognize Abune Antonios as the canonical Patriarch.
The late Coptic Pope Shenouda III denounced the unfair deposition of Patriarch Abune Antonios by the Eritrean regime. Archbishop Angelo